There are a number of different business courses which can be taken by candidates who want to advance their qualifications. These include Accounting, Business Administration, Business Law, and Computer Information Systems. All of these are accredited business schools which offer degrees, diplomas and licensing programs. They all provide all the training, one would need to get a career in a specific area.
The primary focus of the A.S. courses is to train students to pursue an A.B. at the University of California – Davis with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. By offering a comprehensive introductory base of general education, business degrees and business courses, the Mission College provides a solid foundation for students who wish to advance into a professional setting with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
One of the most popular business majors at the Mission College is accounting. Accounting includes a number of specializations, including global management, public accounting, government accounting and taxation, and forensic accountants. Students in accounting to take courses in math, interpersonal communications, statistics, information systems, business leadership and finance. Prior to graduation, students must also complete a four-year coursework that includes courses in business administration, computer science, and accounting. All of this prepares students for work in an entry-level position, and allows them to begin working immediately following graduation.
Business majors include a variety of specializations, from finance to marketing. Marketing covers a variety of disciplines, including entrepreneurship, consumer behavior, and product knowledge. Business students may choose to specialize in either marketing or entrepreneurship. The Bachelor of Business Administration program also offers specialization courses in accounting and other business majors.
Business students may also elect to specialize in one of several fields, including education, law, accounting, information technology, and business management. Courses in education include courses in education theory, instruction, and teaching techniques. Law degrees provide an understanding of the legal system, as well as courses in litigating methods and social policy. Information technology courses include courses such as software applications, network security, web design and development, and web development. The Bachelor of Business Administration programs in business management prepare students for positions in management positions in various sectors, including leadership, human resources, and marketing/ telecommunications.
International business majors include courses in global management, entrepreneurship, risk management, and financial management. Students in international business majors will also learn about international marketing, travel, finance, and technology. The International Business major also allows students to develop skills related to international commerce. The Bachelor of Science degree in International Business at San Diego State University takes coursework in global business, national security, economics, global business/commerce, international business/commerce, marketing, international relations, political science, and technology.